Frequently asked questions


Q1 → How many pages is the guide?

  • 30 total pages + 1 BONUS page with the Lifestyle Brand Resource Guide

Q2 → I want to launch a brand, but I am not 100% sure on my services yet, is this guide still for me?

  • YES! This guide is all about your brand and your launch, mapping out your exact services can come later, as long as you can isolate who your ideal client / audience is.

Q3 → How much money do I need to launch a brand?

  • Great question… this guide will teach you how to launch a brand in 25 days with NO monetary investment! Except for this guide, of course!

Q4 → Why 25 days?

  • My clients are just like me… when we want something, we want it now. Actually, we wanted it yesterday! So, I tried my best to realistically devise a step-by-step plan to launch your brand as quickly as possible. It ended up being 25 total steps that we break down over 25 days. Lucky for me 25 is my favorite number!

Q5 → How much is the guide?

  • The guide is $34 - - but THIS MONTH ONLY use code BOSSDOLL for 25% off!